A good shave needs a good finish: a proper finish is just as important as preparation. An extensive massage with shaving foam or cream helps to soften up the skin and open the pores. For a start, rinse any residues of foam or cream - preferably with cold water to close the pores again. Afterward, there are two options to choose from: balm or aftershave. What you prefer depends on your skin type and personal preference. Sensitive skin types are better off with a shaving balm. It has regenerating and moisturising properties which help against dehydration of the skin. Ingredients such as calendula or aloe vera soothe your skin and provide moisture. Others may prefer aftershave instead. It has a high alcohol content and thus a strong disinfecting effect.
All aftershaves from MÜHLE also contain witch hazel and sugar beet extract to relieve itching. In contrast to balm, aftershave might cause a certain burn on the skin. You either hate it or love it. Many men consider the revitalising burn on their faces as part of a successful morning ritual.
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